Founded in 1818, Dalhousie is located in the Province of Nova Scotia, in the territory of Mi’kma’ki, with 21,000 students on four campuses in Halifax and Truro, and satellite locations in Yarmouth and Saint John, New Brunswick. With more than 6,000 employees, Dalhousie is one of Nova Scotia’s largest employers and the university benefits locally, regionally, and nationally from a reputation as a high-quality employer. As we strengthen our important role in service to our province and our communities, our strategic plan, Third Century Promise signals our long-term ambitions while providing a clear, actionable strategy to guide us over five years.
Dalhousie University is Atlantic Canada’s leading research-intensive university and a driver of the region’s intellectual, social and economic development. Located in the heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, with an Agricultural Campus in Truro/Bible Hill, Dalhousie is a truly national and international university, with more than half of our 19,000 students coming from outside of the province. Our 6,000 faculty and staff foster a vibrant, purpose-driven community, that celebrated 200 years of academic excellence in 2018.