Date: 2025-03-10 20:17:21

Administrative Assistant (Secretary 2) (Bilingual)

Job Description
Competition # : 41636

Department: Justice

Location: Fredericton, NB

Type of Employment: Permanent

Union Status: NSGEU - NSPG

Closing Date: 15-Feb-24 ( Applications are accepted until 11:59 PM Atlantic Time)

A notre Sujet

L?۪̩quipe d?۪intervention en cas d?۪incident grave (SiRT) enqu̻te de mani̬re ind̩pendante sur tous les incidents graves impliquant la police en Nouvelle-??cosse et au Nouveau-Brunswick. La mission de la SiRT est de faire enqu̻te sur les incidents tels que les d̩c̬s, les blessures graves, les agressions sexuelles, la violence conjugale et toute autre question pour laquelle une enqu̻te est dans l?۪int̩r̻t du public. La SiRT est un organisme ind̩pendant de la police et du gouvernement. Le directeur de la SiRT est un membre du personnel civil charg̩ de la direction g̩n̩rale de toutes les enqu̻tes. Cela permet d?۪enqu̻ter sur les incidents graves impliquant la police de mani̬re plus transparente et ind̩pendante. La SiRT a r̩cemment ouvert un bureau au Nouveau-Brunswick.

Pour plus d?۪information sur l?۪̩quipe d?۪intervention en cas d?۪incident grave, veuillez consulter notre site Web : (en anglais seulement).

Au sujet de cet emploi

Relevant du ou de la gestionnaire en administration des affaires, vous offrez du soutien en mati̬re de secr̩tariat, d?۪accueil et d?۪administration ?? l?۪̩quipe SiRT. Vous ̻tes une ressource essentielle pour l?۪̩quipe. Vous veillez ?? l?۪efficacit̩ des fonctions administratives du bureau pour faciliter les activit̩s quotidiennes et pour soutenir la mission de la SiRT. Ce poste est situ̩ ?? Fredericton, au Nouveau-Brunswick.

Responsabilit̩s principales

Vos principales responsabilit̩s : travailler en ̩quipe et fournir du soutien au gestionnaire en administration des affaires, au directeur adjoint et aux gestionnaires d?۪̩quipe au Nouveau-Brunswick. De plus, vous serez responsable de:

  • pr̩parer diff̩rents types de correspondance ainsi que des rapports;
  • coordonner les calendriers ̩lectroniques, organiser les r̩unions et planifier l?۪h̩bergement;
  • g̩rer les documents, notamment les t̩l̩copies, les photocopies, la num̩risation et le classement;
  • contribuer ?? la pr̩paration et ?? la production des dossiers de divulgation de renseignements pour les tribunaux;
  • g̩rer le courrier de d̩part et d?۪arriv̩e et organiser les services de messagerie;
  • servir de premier contact pour aiguiller le public;
  • envoyer les communiqu̩s de presse aux m̩dias du N.-B.;
  • r̩pondre aux demandes du public et des services de police;
  • tenir des dossiers de donn̩es et de statistiques exactes.

Qualit̩s et exp̩rience requises

Un (1) an de formation en affaires et un minimum de trois (3) ans d?۪exp̩rience en soutien administratif ou de secr̩tariat, ou une combinaison ̩quivalente de formation et d?۪exp̩rience.

Vous avez un bon esprit d?۪̩quipe ainsi que de fortes comp̩tences dans l?۪utilisation d?۪une gamme de programmes Microsoft comme Word, Excel, Outlook et PowerPoint. Aucun d̩tail ne vous ̩chappe, et vous comprenez l?۪importance d?۪un travail pr̩cis. Vous faites preuve d?۪un excellent jugement lorsque vous r̩pondez aux demandes en personne, virtuelles et par t̩l̩phone.

Vous ̻tes en mesure de travailler de fa̤on autonome dans un environnement dynamique et changeant. Vous faites preuve de jugement s??r dans les situations d̩licates exigeant beaucoup de tact et de diplomatie. Un excellent sens de l?۪organisation, de m̻me que de solides comp̩tences interpersonnelles et en communication (?? l?۪oral comme ?? l?۪̩crit), sont essentiels pour r̩ussir dans ce r̫le.

Vous ̻tes une personne motiv̩e capable de travailler de fa̤on autonome et de participer pleinement dans un environnement d?۪̩quipe. Votre sens de l?۪organisation et votre capacit̩ ?? g̩rer des priorit̩s concurrentes sont exceptionnels.

Nous ̩valuerons les qualit̩s et comp̩tences ̩num̩r̩es ci-dessus ?? l'aide d'un ou de plusieurs des outils suivants : test ̩crit, ̩preuve standardis̩e, pr̩sentation orale, entrevue, v̩rification des r̩f̩rences.

Le bilinguisme (fran̤ais et anglais) est requis.

Avantages sociaux

Selon le type d'emploi et l'entente avec le syndicat, le gouvernement de la Nouvelle-??cosse offre ?? son personnel une vaste gamme d'avantages sociaux tels qu'une assurance des soins de sant̩, une assurance des soins dentaires, une assurance vie, un r̩gime de pension, un programme de cong̩s de maladie ?? court et ?? long terme, des vacances et un programme d'aide aux employ̩s et ?? leur famille. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur les avantages sociaux et les crit̬res d'admissibilit̩ (en anglais seulement).

Conditions de travail

Vous travaillerez principalement dans un bureau confortable. Il se peut que vous deviez ?? l?۪occasion soulever ou d̩placer des objets l̩gers comme des fournitures de bureau, de l?۪̩quipement et des dossiers. Vous interagirez de fa̤on quotidienne avec le public, diff̩rents services de police et d?۪autres agences et institutions locales. Votre semaine normale de travail est de 35 heures, 7 heures par jour.

Ce que nous offrons

  • Des services de d̩veloppement de carri̬re vous donnant acc̬s ?? des conseils, des outils, des ressources et de la formation continue ?? toutes les ̩tapes de votre carri̬re.
  • Un lieu de travail stimulant. Notre personnel se sent appr̩ci̩, respect̩, branch̩ et au courant. Des politiques et des strat̩gies avant-gardistes.
  • D'innombrables cheminements de carri̬re.
  • Des horaires de travail flexibles propres ?? chaque minist̬re.

Classification: CL 18

??chelle salaire : $1,675.62 - $1,874.80 Bi-Weekly

Nous remercions tous les candidats et toutes les candidates de leur int̩r̻t. Toutefois, nous communiquerons uniquement avec les personnes retenues pour une entrevue.

Tous les employ̩s actuels qui souhaitent ̻tre consid̩r̩s comme candidats internes peuvent cliquer ici .

L'offre d'emploi d̩pend du r̩sultat de la v̩rification des ant̩c̩dents et de la confirmation des titres de comp̩tences, qui doivent ̻tre satisfaisants pour l'employeur.

Si vous avez des questions ou des pr̩occupations, envoyez un courriel ??

Administrative Assistant (Secretary 2) (Bilingual)

Competition # 41636

Administrative Assistant (Secretary 2) (Bilingual), Permanent, Fredericton, NB


Posting Closing Date: 15-Feb-24

Our goal is to be a diverse workforce that is representative, at all job levels, of the citizens we serve. The Government of Nova Scotia has an Employment Equity Policy and we welcome applications from Aboriginal People, African Nova Scotians and Other Racially Visible Persons, Persons with Disabilities and Women in occupations or positions where they are under-represented. If you are a member of one of the equity groups, you are encouraged to self-identify, on your application form, cover letter, or on your resume.

About Us

The Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) independently investigates all serious incidents which arise from the actions of police in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. SiRT?۪s mandate is to investigate all matters that involve death, serious injury, sexual assault and intimate partner violence or other matters that are determined to be in the public interest to be investigated. SiRT is independent of the police and government. The Director of SiRT is a civilian and is responsible for the general direction of all investigations. This ensures a more transparent and independent way to investigate serious incidents involving police. The SiRT recently opened an office in New Brunswick.

For more information on the Serious Incident Response Team please visit our website:

About Our Opportunity

Reporting to the Manager of Business Administration you will provide secretarial, reception and administrative support to the SiRT team. You are a critical team resource who ensures that the administrative functions of the office operate efficiently to support daily operations and the SiRT mandate. This position is located in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Primary Accountabilities

Your key responsibilities include working in a team environment and providing support to the Manager of Business Administration, the Assistant Director and Team Commanders in New Brunswick. In addition, you will:

  • Prepare various correspondence and reports.
  • Coordinate electronic calendars; arrange meetings, and travel accommodations.
  • Document management, including faxing, copying, scanning, and filing.
  • Assist with organization and production of disclosure information packages for court purposes.
  • Process incoming and outgoing mail, arrange courier services.
  • First point of contact for public referrals
  • Distribute media releases to NB media outlets.
  • Respond to inquiries from the public and police agencies.
  • Maintain accurate data and statistics.

Qualifications And Experience

You have a one (1) year business course and a minimum of three (3) years of secretarial/administrative support experience, or an equivalent combination of training, education and experience.

You are a collaborative team player and have proficient skills in the use of a variety of Microsoft programs such as Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint. Attention to detail and a high level of accuracy in your work is essential. You must use a great deal of judgment when handling in- person, virtual and telephone inquiries.

You must demonstrate the ability to work independently in a busy and challenging environment, along with the ability to exercise sound judgment around issues requiring a high degree of tact and diplomacy. Excellent organizational, communication (written and verbal), and interpersonal skills are essential to your success in this role.

You are a self-motivated individual who works well independently and participates fully in a team environment. You possess exceptional organizational skills and the ability to manage competing priorities.

We will assess the above qualifications and competencies using one or more of the following tools: written examination, standardized tests, oral presentations, interview(s), and reference checks.


Bilingualism (English/French) is required.

Based on the employment status and Union agreement, the Government of Nova Scotia offers its employees a wide range of benefits such as Health, Dental, Life Insurance, Pension, General Illness (Short and Long Term), Vacation and Employee and Family Assistance Programs. Click here to learn more about our various benefits offering and eligibility criteria.

Working Conditions

Most of your time is spent in a comfortable office setting. You may occasionally be required to move/lift light objects such as office supplies, equipment, and files. You will have daily contact with the public, various police agencies as well as other local agencies and institutions. Your normal work week is 35 hours/week, 7 hours/day.

What We Offer

  • Career Development where you have access to career guidance, tools, resources, and ongoing training for every stage of your career.
  • Engaging workplace. Our Employees feel valued, respected, connected, and tuned in. We have forward-thinking policies and strategies.
  • Countless Career Paths.
  • Department Specific Flexible working schedules.

Pay Grade: CL 18

Salary Range: $1,675.62 - $1,874.80 Bi-Weekly

Employment Equity Statement

Our goal is to be a diverse workforce that is representative, at all job levels, of the citizens we serve. The Government of Nova Scotia has an Employment Equity Policy, and we welcome applications from Indigenous People, African Nova Scotians and Other Racially Visible Persons, Persons with Disabilities and Women in occupations or positions where they are under-represented. If you are a member of one of these equity groups, you are encouraged to self-identify on your electronic application.

This Is a Bargaining Unit Position Initially Restricted To Current Civil Service Employees Represented By The Nova Scotia Government Employees Union (NSGEU). If Applying From Outside a Government Office, Employees Must Apply Correctly Via This Link

Failure to apply correctly means that your application will not be given first consideration as a bargaining unit applicant, and will only be included if external applications are pursued.

External applicants and current casual employees will only be considered if there are no qualified civil service bargaining unit candidates. PLEASE NOTE: Candidates will not be considered for an interview if applications are incomplete or are missing information.

Offer of employment is conditional upon the completion of all applicable background checks and confirmation of credentials, the results of which must be satisfactory to the employer. We thank all applicants for the interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. All questions and concerns may be directed to

Other Benefits:
Be an early applicant

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